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Feeling sore?

Updated: Aug 23, 2021

Maybe it is time for a quick recovery of your body with this #turmeric #tea!

I was feeling lousy and achy after a morning of working in the yard and sitting behind my computer. After lunch I felt it was time to make myself a nice cup to turmeric tea.

Using turmeric powder is an easy way to make a healthy tea and powerful way to address the after lunch dip and to feel great in your body again!

#Health #benefits of turmeric tea:


  • your favourite tea cup

  • 1/4 tsp turmeric - add to cup

  • boiling water - add to cup

  • 1/2 tsp honey - add to cup

  • stir and enjoy!

Tip: add more or less honey to your taste!

Enjoy and Live Well!

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